
Complete tweets deletion or moneyback! Secure payment processing by FASTSPRING (Norton Secured). Easy Tweet Deleter dashboard to view and remove tweets.

Freedom Unlimited


Billed Monthly
  • Analyze & Delete Unlimited tweets Per Month
  • Get rid of Unlimited tweets per month
  • Expanded keywords searches and filters

You can ONLY delete tweets by uploading the Tweets Archive! Get your Twitter/ X archive by following these steps:

  1. Login to Twitter/ X Account
  2. Tap or Click on the Settings and Support and then Settings and Privacy
  3. Tap or Click on Download an Archive of your Data
  4. Enter your Password and Request the Archive File Download
  5. Once you receive the link to download the file to your email, unzip the archive-file > and upload the tweets.js file to to delete tweets
Secure Online Payments

Fastspring is the authorized and secured Payment Processor for Easy Tweet Deleter. Worldwide recognised companies such as Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, VeriSign, McAfee, PCI Security Standards Council and Better Business Bureau certify Fastspring platform and technologies. Your private data and financial information will be 100% safe.

60 DAYS Money Back Guarantee

All purchases of Easy Tweet Deleter are 100% guaranteed for 60 days with instant refund policy! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you just need to send a quick email to