This section describes the conditions which will govern the relationship between the users and Easy Tweet Deleter, as well as any article posted on the Easy Tweet Deleter blog. By opting to use this service, you will be entering into a relationship that is based on mutual trust, respect and benefit between you (the user), and Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, the brains behind Easy Tweet Deleter.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd owns the Easy Tweet Deleter trademark, logo, website domain and all kinds of functionality associated with this brand in its entirety. Any individual/ entity attempting to, or actively involved in copyright infringement of any kind whatsoever shall be sternly dealt with the respective legal provisions.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd cannot be held responsible for any events, losses (monetary or in-kind) as a result of a user entering into any kind of business (including, but not limited to financial transactions, correspondence) at all with an individual/ entity impersonating themselves to be the actual owners of Easy Tweet Deleter. The only authorized forum for all such activities is and
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd will, on an as-required basis, roll out new functionality and/ or further augment the existing features in the shape of product upgrades/ updates for Easy Tweet Deleter from time to time. Agreeing to use these product upgrades/ updates will mean the user gives their absolute and express consent to a totally/ partially modified (as the case might be) Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. To be aware of the latest Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, please check the concerning pages on from time to time.
The trial version of Easy Tweet Deleter only offers limited functionality. If you want to unlock the full, unhindered functionality, you must subscribe to one of the membership plans.
The user promises to never use this service for commercial purposes, and use it for personal usage only.
The user commits to neither attempt to share the license key for their subscription of Easy Tweet Deleter with any other individual, company, nor publish it on a public forum.
The user agrees that Easy Tweet Deleter will periodically gather usage information, hardware and software performance logs, for product diagnostics and/or improvement.
The user shall, in no circumstances whatsoever, get a refund for their license key once the refund period for their Easy Tweet Deleter has lapsed.
The user agrees to never attempt to upload a file infected with a virus, malware, spyware and all other kinds of content that are known to adversely affect a computer, on the servers of Easy Tweet Deleter.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd shall not be liable, under any circumstances whatsoever, to issue a refund if the user is found to have used a license key that was acquired as a result of a piracy attempt of any kind.
Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd shall not be liable for losses of any kind whatsoever, that arise out of the improper utilization of Easy Tweet Deleter or due to ignoring the usage instructions provided on the website itself, the blog section of the website, and any other supporting content such as videos, support emails, etc.
Under no circumstances whatsoever, shall Sorcim Technologies (Pvt) Ltd be held liable for any loss that is (monetary or in-kind), data loss, business loss, loss of profit or goodwill, damage to the operating system, computer’s hardware, any third-party software installed on the computer or any critical files saved on the hard drive, to the extent that is not permissible as per specified in the concerning law.